
Red and black timepiece tattoo ideas
Red and black timepiece tattoo ideas

red and black timepiece tattoo ideas

As you can see below, her piece extends from her arm, all the way across and down her back. They can start on the arm and extend across the chest or start on the chest/back and extend down the arm. You’ll often see sleeve tattoos that extend all over the body. They are easier to cover and you don’t necessarily need a long sleeved shirt to cover them. They are sometimes viewed as incomplete until the rest of the arm is done. People often start with a half sleeve before they decide to complete it and finish the entire thing. You miss the smell of the ink and vaseline and crave the feel of the needle creating a masterpiece on your skin.


Half sleeves are usually just a pit stop on the road to getting a full sleeve. It’s a personal preference and different for every individual. Other people choose to extend the work past their wrists and onto their hands. Some people choose to stop their sleeve before their watch so that people in the workforce can’t see it, even when they shake someone’s hand. Sleeves are not easily covered unless you have a long sleeved shirt on. Once someone chooses to get a sleeve, they often opt to get another sleeve and often continue by getting chest pieces and their backs done. The tattoos have also gained traction over the years and are preferred by both men and women as the go-to design.

red and black timepiece tattoo ideas

Sleeves tattoos have been around for several years and their popularity continues t soar. They involve hours of work in the chair, concentrated effort by the artist and lots of money on the part of the canvas. This sort of tattoo is quite a commitment. Rabbits and Mushroom Combination Tattoo Sleeve.Chinese Element Inspired Sleeve Tattoo Design.Combined Flowers, Butterflies and Cherries Sleeve Tattoo Design.What colours do you get on their sleeves?.

Red and black timepiece tattoo ideas